Article 2319

Title of the article



Gulyakov Aleksandr Dmitrievich, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, rector of Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:  

Index UDK





Background. In connection with a certain upholding of the legal doctrine, the task of preparing conceptual documents in certain areas of state and legal life has recently arisen. At the same time, the relevance of the problems of federalism is significantly increased by the global turbulence and sudden interstate and ethnic conflicts that have arisen in recent years.
Materials and methods. The article widely uses extensive materials accumulated by the author about foreign and Russian federalism. The historical-state and comparative legal methods are in priority egarding the present study.
Results. Using the work of his predecessors, the author identifies several current areas in the field of improving federal relations. In particular, it is the revitalization of the State Council as an important integrative authority, expanding the procedure of legal monitoring, improving regional law-making, the optimal model of judicial law-making, eliminating sharp disparities in crime among regions, specific outreach activities to strengthen the federal legal consciousness and legal culture .
Conclusions. The author comes to the conclusion that the future concept of legal policy in the sphere of federal relations could consist of the following sections: 1. World experience in the development of federal relations; 2. Russian federalism as a state-legal and civilizational phenomenon; 3. General principles of legal policy. The content of legal policy in the field of federal relations; 4. The main directions of development of legal policy in the field of federal relations. 

Key words

legal policy; federative relations; legal doctrine; legal policy concept; comparative federalism 

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Дата создания: 12.12.2019 09:13
Дата обновления: 13.12.2019 09:09